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![]() ![]() ReviewsAnd especially, thanks to the following professional surfers and searchers who have reviewed us in the last few months: July 26, 2000 Site of the Day http://www.nytimes.com/learning/parents/siteofday/20000726.html June 22, 2000 The Art of Being Online: "A Calgary entrepreneur finds success bringing the world of fine art to the masses through the Web"http://www.calgaryherald.com/business/technology/stories/000622/4323092.html May 7, 1999 www.worth it: "If you're trying to soak up some culture on the Web, going about it by plugging a name into a search engine is bound to be frustrating. Artcyclopedia offers another option: Enter an artist's name and it will plumb its own database of art-oriented Web-dom for relevant sites. It couldn't have been much fun assembling this database, but it works well and doesn't make you wait."http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/tech/ffwd/0599/wit0507.htm March 12, 1999 Minister Of Information: "Ever since one of my favorite sites, Greatest Painters on the Web, closed down a few weeks back because of copyright issues, I've been keeping an eye out for a replacement, and now I think I have one."http://www.mercurycenter.com/svtech/columns/minister/docs/march.shtml August 13, 1999 "If you are still getting your Manets confused with your Monets, or your Carpaccios with your Caravaggios, then this site will help clear your fog. Over 5,000 artists are listed but, most usefully, it guides you to the online collections that house a given work. Type in "Rossetti", for example, and you will soon be flitting about the world's major museums viewing all the Pre-Raphaelite master's works." Subject Resources on the Internet: One of 4 (as of this writing) Art & Design websites recommended as "the most valuable subject specific resources available."http://www.britishlibrary.net/subject_guides.html March 13, 1999 (web site), March 21, 1999 (print edition) Hot Site of the Day http://www.usatoday.com/life/cyber/chc0413.htm April 16, 1999 Best Bets on the Net http://www.jacksonville.com/tu-online/webwatch/archives/041699.html April 2, 1999 Netscope: "By now, the sheer abundance of art on the Internet is such that a guide is needed to explore even a small part of it. Search engines and image finders are some help, as are the Art sections of the big metapages like Yahoo! and Netcenter. But for a more efficient and entertaining way to find what you want, take a look at Artcyclopedia... this is a site to marvel at in its comprehensiveness and usefulness." 3 stars (highest rating) http://infoseek.go.com/WebDir/Entertainment/The_arts March 13-15, 1999 Featured "Web Pick" April 23, 1999 "They cover the biggest and best sites around, and have enough links for most well-known artists to keep you surfing for hours."http://www.komando.com/other/kool_sites/art/19990423_2209.shtml Best of...: "Claims to be a work in progress, and an impressive one it is."http://lii.org/search?query=Artists&subsearch=Artists&searchtype=subject March 23, 1999 "This thing is neat. There's a featured artist (this month: Van Gogh!) an attempt at listing the most popular artists on the Internet, a browsable and searchable list of artists, links to museums and archives, etc. Recommended."http://www.researchbuzz.com/news/FebMar99arx.html April 2, 1999 "If you are just getting started searching for fine art on the Web and you are looking for works by a particular artist, Artcyclopedia is a great jumping off place... While the hit list does not give you any idea of how much material a given Website might have on your artist, this does not detract from Artcyclopedia's value as a good place to start."http://wwwscout.cs.wisc.edu/scout/report/1999/scout-990402.html#15 |