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Ogata Kenzan
[Japanese Potter, 1663-1743]
Ogata Kenzan Works Online
Categorized & Annotated
Museums and Public Art Galleries Worldwide:
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City NEW!
Ball State Museum of Art, Indiana Incense Box (Koro)
Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio
Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas NEW!
Los Angeles County Museum of Art NEW!
Peabody Essex Museum, Massachusetts 1 work online (row 6/image 5). Click on the little "i" on the detail images to bring up information about the works.
Philadelphia Museum of Art
San Diego Museum of Art, California NEW!
The Walters Art Museum, Maryland NEW!
Pictures from Image Archives:
Google Art Project Incense box (Freer Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.)
Additional Image Search Tools:
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Articles and Reference Sites:
Encyclopedia Britannica complete article on Ogata Kenzan Note: The full version of the article is available only if you follow this link. If you bookmark the article and return later, or if you navigate directly to the Britannica website, you will see a 100-word preview only. Troubleshooting
Union List of Artist Names (Getty Museum) Reference sheet with basic information about the artist and pointers to other references.