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William Maw Egley
[English Painter, 1826-1916]
William Maw Egley Works Online
Categorized & Annotated
Paintings in Museums and Public Art Galleries Worldwide:
William Maw Egley at the Detroit Institute of Arts, Michigan Talking Oak, 1857
Royal Academy of Arts Collection, London, UK
Sheffield Galleries & Museums, UK The Lady of Shalott, 1858
Tate Gallery, London, UK
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Victoria and Albert Museum Catalogue, London, UK
Art Market: (e.g. records of past sales at auction; sites providing examples of the artist's signature)
Christie's Past Sale Archive (database goes as far back as 1991; images go about as far back as 1999)
Sotheby's Sold Lot Archive (database goes as far back as 1998; images where permitted by copyright go about as far back as 2001)
Pictures from Image Archives:
William Maw Egley at The Art Renewal Center The Talking Oak, 1857 The Morning Lesson, 1880
William Maw Egley at The Athenaeum 
Wikimedia Commons Image Database 
Additional Image Search Tools:
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Articles and Reference Sites:
Union List of Artist Names (Getty Museum)  Reference sheet with basic information about the artist and pointers to other references.
Wikipedia, the "Open Content" Encyclopedia