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Nicola da Urbino
[Italian Ceramicist, ca.1480-1538]
Nicola da Urbino Works Online
Categorized & Annotated
Museums and Public Art Galleries Worldwide:
Fitzwilliam Museum PHAROS Website, Cambridge, UK
J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles Armorial Plate with the Flaying of Marsyas, 1525
Nicola da Urbino at the Louvre Museum, Paris Fragment of a dish, ca.1525-28
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City NEW! 
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. NEW! Includes a biography of the artist
Museo Correr, Venice (in Italian)  Salomone adora un Idolo
Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany
Museums of Geneva, Switzerland (in French) 
Philadelphia Museum of Art
State Museums of Berlin
The Wallace Collection, London, UK NEW!
National Art Databases and Museum Inventories:
Art Fund for UK Museums Maiolica plate
Art Market: (e.g. records of past sales at auction; sites providing examples of the artist's signature)
Sotheby's Sold Lot Archive (database goes as far back as 1998; images where permitted by copyright go about as far back as 2001)
Pictures from Image Archives:
Nicola da Urbino in the Web Gallery of Art 
Additional Image Search Tools:
(SafeSearch set to "strict"; go to Advanced Search (Flickr/Google) or Preferences (Bing) to change)
Articles and Reference Sites:
Union List of Artist Names (Getty Museum)  Reference sheet with basic information about the artist and pointers to other references.
Wikipedia, the "Open Content" Encyclopedia