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Jean Puiforcat
[French Sculptor, 1897-1945]
Jean Puiforcat Works Online
Categorized & Annotated
Museums and Public Art Galleries Worldwide:
Dallas Museum of Art, Texas NEW! (There is a "Download" link for zooming in on some works, but confusingly this may take a while to become active)
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco NEW!
Musée d'Orsay, Paris Artworks in the museum's collections database
Ball State Museum of Art, Indiana Place Setting, Annecy Pattern, Knife, Fork and Spoon, 1930
Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minnesota Cocktail shaker/server, ca.1925-30
Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minnesota Five-piece coffee and tea service, 1925
Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minnesota Teapot, ca.1938
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, Québec Soup tureen, ca.1935
National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Japan Tea set, 1925
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond Tea Set, 1937
Art Market: (e.g. records of past sales at auction; sites providing examples of the artist's signature)
Christie's Past Sale Archive (database goes as far back as 1991; images go about as far back as 1999)
Sotheby's Sold Lot Archive (database goes as far back as 1998; images where permitted by copyright go about as far back as 2001)
Pictures from Image Archives:
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Articles and Reference Sites:
Union List of Artist Names (Getty Museum)  Reference sheet with basic information about the artist and pointers to other references.