|  Edgar Degas: Ballet, seen from a Loge, 1885 Source: Wikimedia Commons (see "image archives" below)
Edgar Degas Works Online
Categorized & Annotated
N.B. For the sake of readability, we have organized external links into these different tabs:
Museums and Public Art Galleries Worldwide:
Art Institute of Chicago NEW!
Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery, UK A Roman Beggar Woman, 1857
Dallas Museum of Art, Texas NEW! (There is a "Download" link for zooming in on some works, but confusingly this may take a while to become active)
Edgar Degas at the Detroit Institute of Arts, Michigan 16 works online
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco NEW! Many works online
Fitzwilliam Museum at the University of Cambridge, UK
Fitzwilliam Museum PHAROS Website, Cambridge, UK
Guggenheim Museum, New York City Click "View all" to see a total of 4 works online
Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia 11 works by Degas
J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles 56 works online by Degas
Louvre Museum Graphic Art Database, Paris (in French)  Many works on paper online
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City NEW! 
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas  The Russian Dancer, pastel and charcoal drawing, 1895
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas  Woman Drying Herself, charcoal and pastel drawing, ca.1905
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston NEW! Pastel collection online
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston NEW! Sculpture collection online
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston NEW! Paintings collection online
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston NEW! Drawings collection online
Museum of Modern Art, New York City  Includes biographical information about the artist
National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh NEW!
National Gallery, London, UK
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. NEW! Includes a biography of the artist
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. NEW! The Dance Lesson
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra A Nanny in the Luxembourg Gardens, Paris, ca.1875
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa  Many works
Neue Pinakothek, Munich, Germany
Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, California
Réunion des Musées Nationaux, France (in French)  About 11 works displayed over 2 pages of search results
Städel Museum, Frankfurt, Germany Orchestra Musicians (Musiciens à l'orchestre)
Tate Gallery, London, UK
Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut  Pathway in a Field
Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut  Dancer Ready to Dance, with Right Foot Forward
Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut  The False Start
Ackland Art Museum at the University of North Carolina
Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales, Cardiff
Art Collection of the Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, Colombia
Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto Grande Arabesque, troisième temps
Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto Woman at her Bath
Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto - Provenance Research Grande Arabesque, troisième temps, bronze statue
Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto - Provenance Research Woman at Her Bath
Arthur Ross Gallery at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Ball State Museum of Art, Indiana Expectant Mother (Femme enceinte)
Barber Institute of Fine Arts, Birmingham, UK Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando
Blanton Museum of Art at the University of Texas, Austin Leaving the Bath, ca.1879-80
Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Maine (Zoomable) Portrait of Manet, etching, 1864-65
Brooklyn Museum, New York City
Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Charleston, the country home of the Bloomsbury Group, East Sussex, England
Chi-Mei Museum, Taiwan (in Chinese)  Femme se lavant jambe gauche
Christchurch Art Gallery / Te Puna O Waiwhetu, New Zealand
Chrysler Museum, Norfolk, Virginia
Cincinnati Art Museum, Ohio NEW! Dancer in Her Dressing Room
Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts Woman Viewed from Behind, ca.1879
Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts The Dancing Lesson, ca.1880
Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts Little Dancer Aged Fourteen, 1880-81
Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts The Entrance of the Masked Dancers, pastel, ca.1884
Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts Three Ballet Dancers, monotype, ca.1878-80
Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts - Provenance Research Project Before the Race, ca.1882
Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio
Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. Cabaret, 1876/77 Dance Class (Ècole de danse), ca.1873
Courtauld Institute of Art, London, UK 8 works by or related to the artist
Currier Gallery of Art, New Hampshire
Davistown Museum, Liberty, Maine Mlle. Carpentier, ca.1860s
Dixon Gallery and Gardens, Tennessee Dancer Adjusting Her Shoe, pastel
Dublin City Gallery | The Hugh Lane, Dublin, Ireland NEW!
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, D.C. The Song Rehearsal Giulia Bellelli
E.G. Bührle Collection, Zurich (Click on the title to see a specific work, then click on the image to enlarge)
Folkwang Museum, Essen, Germany (in German) 
Fondation Bemberg Museum, Toulouse, France Femme à la coiffeuse
Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art at the University of Oklahoma Danseuse à la barre
Frick Collection, New York City NEW! Study of a Male Nude with a Sword The Rehearsal
Gemeentemuseum, The Hague Study for Little Dancer Aged Fourteen, 1879-80
Glasgow Museums, Scotland Dancers on a Bench
Glasgow Museums, Scotland Grande Arabesque, Premier Temps
Hammer Museum, California Woman at her Toilette (les bras), monotype, 1880-85
Hammer Museum, California Dancer, Arm Too Far behind the Head, 1880-85
Harvard University Art Museums, Massachusetts Harvard have works in their collections, but unfortunately you have to type in the search yourself
Hill-Stead Museum, Farmington, Connecticut
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington D.C. NEW!
Hyde Collection Art Museum, Glens Falls, New York Draught Horse, ca.1881
Hyde Collection Art Museum, Glens Falls, New York Dancer with Red Stockings, 1883-85
Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indiana
Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, Nebraska Little Dancer Aged Fourteen
Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas NEW!
Kunstmuseum Basel, Switzerland Alphabetically under "D"
Le Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours, France (in French)  Le Calvaire, copie d'après Mantegna, ca.1861
Los Angeles County Museum of Art NEW!
MacKenzie Art Gallery, Saskatchewan
Meadows Museum at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas Bather Drying Herself, or After the Bath, pastel on paper, ca.1895
Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester, New York Dancer Holding Her Right Foot in Her Right Hand, bronze Dancer, Seen from Behind Dancers Woman Washing Her Left Leg, bronze
Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, St. Louis, Missouri
Milwaukee Art Museum, Wisconsin La Causerie (Conversation at the Racetrack)
Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minnesota 
Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne, Switzerland
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, France (in French)  Danseuses sur la scène
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, France (in French)  Le Café-concert des Ambassadeurs
Musee Jenisch, Vevey, Switzerland (in French)  Portrait (Victorien Sardou?), ca.1880
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina (in Spanish) 
Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon Portrait of Henri Michel-Lévy
Museu de Arte de São Paulo, Brazil (in Portuguese) 
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam Petite Danseuse
Museum of Modern Art, New York City - Provenance Research Project At the Milliner's (Chez la modiste), ca.1882
Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas, Texas
National Gallery of Victoria, Australia 2 works online
National Museums Liverpool, UK Woman ironing
New Art Gallery, Walsall, England 2 works online
New Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen 3 paintings online
North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh Le Repos, ca.1893
Oskar Reinhart Collection, Switzerland Dancer in the Dressing Room, ca.1878/79
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Philadelphia Museum of Art Mini-site for a 2003 exhibition: Degas and the Dance
Phoenix Art Museum, Arizona Portrait of a Lady
Pierpont Morgan Library, New York City Mlle Bécat at the Café des Ambassadeurs
Pierpont Morgan Library, New York City Three Studies of a Dancer
Portland Museum of Art, Maine Click thumbnail #3
Princeton University Art Museum, New Jersey
Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow Blue Dancers, 1890s
Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, Australia Three dancers at a dancing class, ca.1888-90
Reading Public Museum, Pennsylvania The Laundress
Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art Dancer with a Bouquet (see top row)
Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium Catalogue (in French)  Cheval au trot
San Diego Museum of Art, California NEW!
Smart Museum of Art at the University of Chicago
Southampton City Art Gallery, England
Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, Germany ( in German)  Sängerin in einem Pariser Gartencafé, watercolor, 1880
Statens Museum for Kunst (National Gallery of Denmark), Copenhagen Click "English" at the top right to switch the default language, then click "Search"
Studio Esseci, Italy (in Italian)  Click "Immagini" to see a large image from a 2003 exhibition
Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Israel The work isn't visible on the first page; keep clicking "next"
Teylers Museum, Haarlem, Netherlands NEW! Works from the museum's drawings and engravings collection
The Albertina, Vienna Two dancers, 1905
The Albertina Graphic Art Databank, Vienna (in German) 
Edgar Degas at the The British Museum, London, UK
The Essence of Line: French Drawings from Ingres to Degas
The Ordrupgaard Collection, Charlottenlund, Denmark Children on a Staircase (New Orleans, sketch), 1873
The Ordrupgaard Collection, Charlottenlund, Denmark Three Dancers, pastel on paper, ca.1898
The Ordrupgaard Collection, Charlottenlund, Denmark Woman Combing Her Hair, pastel on paper, ca.1895-1900
The Walters Art Museum, Maryland NEW!
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid (Images are zoomable; click on the "expand" icon below the detail image)
Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio The Dancers (Click the "Works on Paper" category)
University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City Au Louvre: La Peinture (Mary Cassatt), 1863
Valtion Taidemuseo (Finnish National Gallery), Helsinki, Finland
Valtion Taidemuseo (Finnish National Gallery), Helsinki, Finland
Victoria and Albert Museum Catalogue, London, UK The Ballet Scene from Meyerbeer's Opera 'Robert Le Diable', 1876
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond Prancing Horse, ca.1865-81
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond At the Races: Before the Start, ca.1885-92
Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal, Germany (in German) 
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne, Germany (mostly in German) 
Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, UK Search results for "Edgar Degas"
National Art Databases and Museum Inventories:
Art Fund for UK Museums Quite a few works online
Danish Museums Online (in Danish)  (You can switch to English by going to the very top of the site, but the viewable works are much fewer)
UK National Inventory of Continental European Paintings (NICE)
Miscellaneous Sites:
ArtDaily - Exhibition Photo Galleries Degas at Harvard (4 works online)
Dickinson Agents and Dealers in Fine Art, London, UK -- Notable past sales
FBI Art Theft Program Details of 5 drawings stolen from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston
Peter Nahum At The Leicester Galleries, London, UK Archive of past displayed works which are "sold" or "not for sale"
The BBC 2 works online
The Fine Arts Conservancy, Florida Interesting before-and-after examples of artwork restorations Woman on an Orange Chaise, pastel drawing
The Fine Arts Conservancy, Florida Interesting before-and-after examples of artwork restorations Spanish Dancer, bronze
The Modernist Journals Project (Click "Retrieve Images" to see artworks)
The Running Horse 1869 Carriage at the Races
The Running Horse Racehorses at Longchamp
The Running Horse Le faux départ, 1869-72
Thomas Gibson Fine Art Ltd., London, UK -- Notable past sales Chez La Modiste, pastel, ca.1883
Articles and Reference Sites:
Encyclopedia Britannica complete article on Edgar Degas  Note: The full version of the article is available only if you follow this link. If you bookmark the article and return later, or if you navigate directly to the Britannica website, you will see a 100-word preview only. Troubleshooting
RKD Netherlands Institute for Art History 
Union List of Artist Names (Getty Museum)  Reference sheet with basic information about the artist and pointers to other references.
Wikipedia, the "Open Content" Encyclopedia Biographical info
Antiques & Fine Art Magazine Jockeys at Epsom, ca.1860-62
Antiques & Fine Art Magazine "Picasso Looks at Degas" (2010)
Arcadian Galleries Biography of the artist
Art + Auction Magazine "Degas bronzes, all of which were cast posthumously, have always been controversial..."
International Herald Tribune (now part of the New York Times organization) "A Magnificent New Perspective on Degas," article by Souren Melikian
Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide Ocular Anxiety and the Pink Tea Cup: Edgar Degas's Woman with Bandage
Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide Reading the Animal in Degas's Young Spartans
Slate Magazine "Camera Obscura: Degas' funereal photography," article by Christopher Benfey
Slate Magazine "Better Late Than Never: The second half of Edgar Degas' career turns out to have been as powerful as the first," article by Christopher Benfey
The Art Newspaper (Tip: Click "Zoom navigable", not the thumbnail, to get the largest image size) "The silence of the Degas scholars", 2010 article on the newly discovered original sculpture casts
The Guardian Newspaper, UK Essay on Hélène Rouart in Her Father's Study, 1886
The Guardian Newspaper, UK Essay on Princess Pauline de Metternich, ca.1865
The New York Observer "Degas' Private Collection Makes for Perfect Met Show", article by Hilton Kramer
The New York Observer "Loner, Misfit Degas: Lover of Bathers Was Never Impressionist", article by Hilton Kramer
Vanity Fair Magazine "Degas and the Dancers", 2002 article by John Richardson
Wikiquote, compendium of quotations from the Wikimedia Foundation